September 12, 2014

Creating For The Internet

Hey all you fashionable shop owners thriving in the online community! The online market is a great place to let your business grow; is it not? You and your team are constantly thinking about website design, instagram posts, and what to pin up on pinterest. Usually, you buy product with your store in mind. Your merchandise team creates beautiful directives and then, POP; every color, pattern, and piece of fabric you purchased now has a purpose. However, it is always harder to make things "pop" off online. 

Love Blind has done it's research and we've come to the conclusion that the year of 2014 is the year that retail buyers, buy, with online first on the mind. Letting the store floor take a back seat to the millions of viewers and billions of clicks that your virtual "floor" receives. Seeking out prints that can play across the computer screen with a mixture of solid colors and a dash of geometric patterns make for an eye catching page. It is easy to please an eye up close and person, but in the virtual world things get tricky. As you purchase your product think about how you website will look when sorted "newest to oldest". Don't let the season's trends blend and mesh your pages into one fashionable blob. You'll be thankful for it when the clicks never cease fire and your google ranting takes a leap ahead.

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